How Much Does It Cost To Build a Duplex? Top19 states average Cost

In recent years, everybody has wished to have a duplex house to live in. But, having a duplex building requires massive planning and investment. So, before involving yourself with this big project, you have to know; how much does it cost to build a duplex? 

How Much Does It Cost To Build a Duplex? Top19 states average Cost

The cost will vary depending on your location, size, and type of building, using materials, labor, etc. However, the national average duplex building cost is around $388,000. The highest and lowest cost ranges between $1,100,000 to $142,500. But on average, you have to spend almost $285,000 to $537,000. 

We know that’s not enough information for you. Keep reading our blog post and know almost every detail about the cost. Here we have talked about state-by-state costs, material-based costs, and labor-based costs. So, you can easily determine the project cost.

Average Duplex Building Cost In Different States

Name of StateCost Per Square Foot Average Cost
Alaska $130 to $280$150,000 to $300,000
Kansas$95 to $220$155,000 to $416,250
Florida$95 to $220$240,000 to $350,000
San Antonio$160 to $180$240,000 to $350,000
Houston$175 to $190$250,000 to $350,000
Nebraska$89 to $132$201,000 to $310,000 
New York$165 to $180$300,000 to $400,000
New Mexico$100 to $155$201,000 to $310,000
Texas$90 and $134$250,000  to $388,000
North Carolina$160 to $225$223,000 to $290,000
South Carolina$175 to $185$350,000 to $400,000
Kentucky$95 to $220$200,000 to $350,000
California$95 to $220$258,000 yo $336,000 
Tennessee $112 to $133$201,000 to $310,000
Illinois$100 to $210$200,000 to $350,000
Alabama$91 to $115$155,000 to $416,250
Virginia$100 to $200$238,640 to $288,642
Indiana$110 to $132$200,000 to $350,000
Georgia $90 to $110$180,000 to $270,000 

Types Of Duplex Houses And What Is Their Cost?

Types Of Duplex Houses And What Is Their Cost?

There are three types of duplex houses and most people invest in them according to their needs, and budget. The cost will also vary based on the types of duplex.

One-story duplex home

one story duplex home

Some people want to invest less but want a luxurious atmosphere to their apartment building. Those people like to build a one-story duplex home. As the building is one story, it costs around $95 to $135 per square foot or the average cost will be $180000.

Two-story duplex home

Two-story duplex home

The two stories duplex home usually has two units or apartments in the same building. But these two apartments have a common wall with multiple floors. The apartment arrangement is entirely designed to the owner’s requirements. It costs you around $110 to  $180 per square foot, and the average cost will be approximately $225000.

Side-by-side duplex home

Side-by-side duplex home

If the two living units are designed side-by-side, and each unit has an entrance path from the street, it is called a side-by-side duplex. This house is mainly small to medium and sometimes has a rear playing yard. If your dream is to live in this type of duplex home, you have to budget $130 to $220 per square foot and $250000 for an average-size home.

Department Wise Average Cost To Build a Duplex

Department Wise Average Cost To Build a Duplex

Don’t be surprised by the vast cost of the home. Constructing a duplex home involves many departments, and you have to wisely cover all the departments to complete the project. If any of the sections are ignored, you won’t get the house how you dream. So you have to take care of it carefully. 

Labor Costs

Labor Costs

First, you must budget around 40% of your total project for labor costs. You will invest this amount in hiring architects to design your home, excavators for foundations, contractors to coordinate and execute the architectural plan, and carpenters to construct, repair, and install the building framework, which are made of wood and other materials. 

Here is not the end of the list. You have to appoint plumbers for fitting water systems, electricians for electrical wiring and installing electric gadgets, and painters to paint the buildings. 

Material Costs

Material Costs

Without materials, you can’t construct a duplex home. The building materials will take a high amount of money, and the amount will be higher if you choose the most durable, high-quality, and world-class materials. 

However, don’t think you will need a small variety of materials. You have to manage various materials for foundation, flooring, drywall, doors and windows, plumbing, electricity connection, painting, and furnishings. 

Let’s focus on the percentage of materials cost. Generally, real estate companies are involved in building houses. Per square feet, building materials cost approximately $50. According to most of the real estate company’s experience, it is recommended that the building materials take almost 41.5% to 51% of the total building cost. 

Read more related articles: How much does it cost to repair a roof?


What is the average size of a duplex?

The average size of a duplex building is roughly 900 square feet. Though the duplex house is typically large and wide, there lives mostly single-family. 

What size land do you need to build a duplex?

You have to choose the best land to get a better quality duplex house. You will need around 400 square meters, which should have at least 12 meters wide blocks and 0.9 meters side setback. Building a perfect duplex home is quite challenging if the land is not in the proper shape and size. 

How much do you have to put down to build a duplex?

Arranging this tremendous amount of money is not an easy task for most people. But does that mean you can not build and live in your dream house? 

No, absolutely not. Fortunately, there is good news for you. If you want, you can start your dream project by providing a 15% down payment to the real estate agent. You can sign an agreement with your real estate agent for the rest of the payment installation by considering both of your benefits.

How long will it take to build a duplex house?

It can take 12-15 months to build a duplex house if there is no significant break for payment, material supply, and availability of labor. But, if the project will stop due to unexpected climate hazards, or any other issues, then time will extend 1-3 months depending on the situation. 


After digesting this comprehensive guide, we hope you have got an idea of how much it costs to build a duplex.  

Basically, all the figures that we have discussed consider many general aspects. There is no way to take them as the ideal cost for your duplex. Instead, we will suggest consulting with the most appropriate real estate company to get your answer by focusing on your specific requirements.

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